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产品名称Plexon PlexUtil软件

CategoryPlexon omniPlex neural recording data acquisition system

  PlexUtil is a Plexon program for modifying PLX, PL2 and DDT data files generated by both the OmniPlex® Neural Data Acquisition System and the original Multichannel Acquisition Processor (MAP) Data Acquisition System.

Product description
Technical Specs

  PLX files are Plexon data files that contain action potential (spike) timestamps and waveforms, event timestamps, and continuous variable data. PL2 is Plexon’s next generation PLX format developed to significantly decrease the time it takes to read (single channel or block level) the data into a sorting or analysis program.  DDT files are an older format containing only continuous data

PlexUtil functionality empowers the user to do the following:

 Scan for and repair PLX or PL2 file errors and inconsistencies
 Create subsets of PLX or PL2 files that includes all channels, a user-defined selection of spike, event and continuous channels, and a user-defined selection of start and end times
 Create subsets of PLX or PL2 files that includes all channels, a user-defined selection of spike, event and continuous channels, and a user-defined selection of start and end times
 Create subsets of PLX or PL2 files that includes all channels, a user-defined selection of spike, event and continuous channels, and a user-defined selection of start and end times
 Create subsets of PLX or PL2 files that includes all channels, a user-defined selection of spike, event and continuous channels, and a user-defined selection of start and end times
  PlexUtil is available for all OmniPlex and MAP System users, as well as anyone else who has PLX or DDT files he or she wishes to manipulate. PlexUtil is pre-loaded on OmniPlex and MAP Systems control computer, and may also be downloaded here at no charge.

  PlexUtil is a Plexon program for modifying PLX, PL2 and DDT data files generated by both the OmniPlex® Neural Data Acquisition System and the original Multichannel Acquisition Processor (MAP) Data Acquisition System.


Address: Hualong building, building 3, No. 29,

North Third Ring Road, Xicheng District, Beijing




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