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OmniPlex Neural Recording Data Acquisition System
OmniPlex® Neural Recording Data Acquisition System is Plexon’s flagship electrophysiology (a.k.a. ephys) research system. This system combines front-end amplification and acquisition with intuitive and powerful control and visualization software.
Plexon DataLogger 无线数据记录系统
基础控制盒上有一个交流电源适配器,背面面板上有一个电源开关,通过标准的USB线缆连接到电脑上。16位数字digital input输入端口,提供独立的外部触发输入,支持TTL信号输入机Strobe word信号输入用于标记不同的行为触发事件,并与神经信号数据整合成PL2或Plx 文件,可以离线被OffilineSorter、NeuroExplorer、SDK等读取。最高支持128通道数据采集。
Plexon PlexUtil软件
.PLX文件是Plexon的数据文件,其中包含动作电位(Spike)的时间标记和波形,事件的时间标记,和连续数据。 DDT文件是旧的文件格式,只包含连续的数据。
Plexon OmniPlex软件
The OmniPlex® Neural Recording Data Acquisition Systems rely on two important software programs: PlexControl, which is the main user interface, and OmniPlex Server, known as the system’s “software engine”. Together, they are referred to as the OmniPlex Software
Plexon Motorized Carousel Commutator
该转向器适用于光遗传配合以下神经信号记录系统使用:OmniPlex DHP System(16,32,64,128,256通道)。
Plexon Standard Commutator
Plexon Standard Commutators are robust, highly effective, and are best for research utilizing 32 channels or less. They are designed for use in low channel count neural recording with analog headstages.
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