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Plexon offers a variety of analog and digital headstages for various acute or chronic research needs that are suitable for both large and small animals. In addition, according to the different recorded signals, it can also be divided into high impedance headstage and low impedance headstage
Headstages for High-Impedance Electrodes
Plexon’s headstages for high-impedance electrodes are designed to record spikes and field potentials from high impedance electrodes. They are available in 0.050” or 0.025” pitch, gains of 1x of 20x, from 8 channels and above, with a grounded or true reference, some with latching capability, and all with the LED option.
Most recently we launched our newest headstage products for this category: 16 and 32 channel digital headstages for use with the OmniPlex® D DHP subsystem. The headstages themselves are light weight, while the corresponding headstage cables are both lighter weight than their analog counterparts and contain fewer wires. The result is greater freedom of animal movement
Headstages for Low-Impedance Electrodes
Plexon’s headstages for low-impedance electrodes are designed for evoked potentials, EMG recordings using needle electrodes, surface electrodes, and electrode caps. These are available with Omnetics 0.050” pitch or Harwin connectors, a 20x, 4 or 12 channels, a grounded reference and some offer latching capability.
he newest additions to this category are the biopotential headstages. One has been designed for peripheral nerve system (PNS) recording incorporating a 50x gain. The second is geared towards EEG, EKG and EMG recordings and offers a 10x gain.

Address: Hualong building, building 3, No. 29,
North Third Ring Road, Xicheng District, Beijing
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